APPROVE for WooCommerce


Current version 2.

For legacy Version 1 documentation follow this link.

Plugin Features

The APPROVE Woocommerce integration plugin provides a methodology for Wordpress developers to add the APPROVE lender network finance rates, lease cart, and lease application functionality into Woocommerce product pages and cart.

Each Woocommerce cart implementation is unique to each site, so instead of providing a single solution that may not work for your site, we addressed the crux of the problem and created resources for Wordpress developers. Users of the APPROVE Woocommerce integration plugin will be able to customize its look and location as needed by the site.



For experienced programmers:

  1. Donload, install and active the APPROVE Wordpress plugin. (

  2. Download the APPROVE Woocommerce Integration plugin from the dist folder in GitHub (

  3. Install the plugin into Wordpress

  4. Place a button in Woocommerce product, cart and mini cart pages

FYI: The plugin provides an AJAX POST uri at admin_url('admin-ajax.php') with action get_approve_information

Simple Product Button Example:

>Apply For Financing</button>

Variable Product Button Example:


Composite Product Button Example:


Cart Button Example:

  approve-woocommerce-cart>Apply for Financing</button>
** Note: The type="button" property is not an APPROVE property. It must be set when a button exists inside of an HTML form and its purspose is anything other than submission.

Teaser Rate Tag Example:

<span approve-function="teaser_rate" ></span>/mo Apply For Financing
Note: A teaser rate tag inside of a Woocommerce cart button, needs the approve-woocommerce-cart property. An example is included later in this document.
  1. Done.

For a full list of APPROVE tags and functionality please visit the APPROVE documentation.

Detailed Installation Instructions

1. Download the Woocommerce Integration plugin from the dist folder in GitHub

  1. In the APPROVE Woocommerce plugin page in GitHub ( navigate to the dist folder displayed close to the top of the page. Download the to your computer.

2. Install the downloaded plugin into Wordpress

In Wordpress navigate to the plugins page. Click on "Add New", then "Upload Plugin"

  1. Select the file you downloaded on Section #2
  2. The APPROVE Woocommerce Integration plugin is now installed.

3. Customize your Woocommerce Cart

INITIAL NOTE: You may customize Woocommerce templates or simply use code to inject APPROVE buttons where needed. Either methodology works fine. Please note that examples of how to modify Woocommerce programatically are included later in this document. This section focuses on customizing the template.

Customization of the Woocommerce cart depends on the Wordpress and Woocommerce standards. For information on how to customize the Woocommerce cart, visit

Once the customization template is available, visit the Wordpress template editor. Point to the "Appearance menu" and select "Theme Editor". Select the theme you are currently using (e.g. TwentyTwenty) and navigate to the customizable Woocommerce cart page. This page will be located under woocommerce, cart in your theme, and it will be named cart.php.

In the Woocommerce cart code, place the APPROVE button wherever it may be visible to your clients. In this example, I will place it next to the UPDATE CART button delivered in the standard woocart. Here is the button code...

<button type="button" approve-woocommerce-cart approve-function="hosted_app">
    Apply for Financing<BR>
    As low as <span approve-function="teaser_rate" approve-woocommerce-cart></span>/mo

Style the button as you wish.

Here is the button code (as an example) in cotext withing the standard delivered Woocommerce woocart...

<?php if ( wc_coupons_enabled() ) { ?>
<div class="coupon">
        <label for="coupon_code"><?php esc_html_e( 'Coupon:', 'woocommerce' ); ?></label> <input type="text" name="coupon_code" class="input-text" id="coupon_code" value="" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Coupon code', 'woocommerce' ); ?>" /> <button type="submit" class="button" name="apply_coupon" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Apply coupon', 'woocommerce' ); ?>"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Apply coupon', 'woocommerce' ); ?></button>
        <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_cart_coupon' ); ?>
<?php } ?>

<button type="submit" class="button" name="update_cart" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Update cart', 'woocommerce' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Update cart', 'woocommerce' ); ?></button>

<button type="button" approve-woocommerce-cart approve-function="hosted_app">
    Apply for Financing<BR>
    As low as <span approve-function="teaser_rate" approve-woocommerce-cart></span>/mo

<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_cart_actions' ); ?>

4. Customize your Woocommerce Product Pages

INITIAL NOTE: You may customize Woocommerce templates or simply use code to inject APPROVE buttons where needed. Either methodology works fine. Please note that examples of how to modify Woocommerce programatically are included later in this document. This section focuses on customizing the template.

Woocommerce includes standard pages and steps for the creation of products. Use those steps and place out button wherever you may find best for your design. The followin example is one way to do it, but not the only way. Note: We provide two styles of buttons. One for a simple product and one for variable products. For more information on simple and variable products see Woocommerce documentation.

In the Wordpress administration page click on Producs, then Edit the product for which you would like a finance button. In the section named "Product short description" select Text on the right side of the screen and paste the following code:

For a simple product:

Apply For Financing</button>

For a variable product:

Apply For Financing</button>

Programatic Customization of Woocommerce

Woocommerce provides rendering hooks which can be used to insert code just about anywhere. The following code snippets can be used to customise the product pages, as well as the woocommerce cart. This code is usually injected into the functions.php file of the selected theme. (Appearance->Theme Editor->functions.php)

Product Page Buton

Please note this will serve all product types. This particular example contains custom woocommerce product information searches later discussed under the Technical Reference section of this document. In summary, variables such as kwipped_approve.variable_product_alternate_model_search provides our Woocommerce integration plugin with information about where to look for the needed data.

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_form', 'approve_after_add_to_cart_btn' );
function approve_after_add_to_cart_btn(){
    //if( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ){
    global $product;
        window.kwipped_approve.variable_product_alternate_model_search = ['.heading-text','h1'];
        window.kwipped_approve.variable_product_alternate_price_search = ['.entry-summary','.price'];
        window.kwipped_approve.composite_product_alternate_model_search = ['.heading-text','h1'];
        window.kwipped_approve.composite_product_alternate_price_search = ['.composite_price','ins','.amount'];
        ( function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
            $( '.composite_data' ).on( 'wc-composite-initializing', function( event, composite ) {

        }) ( jQuery, window, document );
    <button approve-function="embedded_app"
                approve-woocommerce-product="<?php echo esc_attr( $product->get_type() ); ?>"
                class="button approve-button"
    >Finance as low as
    $<span approve-function="teaser_rate"></span>/mo

Cart Button

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart_totals', 'approve_after_checkout_form' );
function approve_after_checkout_form(){
    global $product;
        <button approve-function="embedded_app"
                class="button approve-button"
                >Finance as low as$<span approve-function="teaser_rate" approve-woocommerce-cart></span>/mo

Technical Reference

The Woocommerce buttons will for information in standard places on the page. It was designed with the standard Woocommerce templating in place, and it will not work well if the template has been highly customized. The following are the standard places the APPROVE Woocommerce integration tag will look for information.

Simple Product:

  1. It will look for product and pricing information inside of the standard structured data dumped in the page by Woocommerce. ( tag property type='application/ld+json'). It looks for a key of @Type with a value od "Product" to retreive price and product name. If that is not found it will look for a key of @graph, which is an array, it will iterate through it, and look for a key of @type and the value of "Product". If it finds it, it will retreieve the product name and price from there.
  2. If no data if found on step 1, then it will look for the tags with following properties on the page, which are also placed on the page automatically by Woocommerce. and retreive the price and product names from it.


<meta property="og:title" content="Product 1" />
<meta property="product:price:amount" content="6375"/>
  1. If no data is found on steps 1 and 2, it will try to search for the content of the alternate tags provided programatically by you. The names of the variables needed are the following:


window.kwipped_approve.simple_product_alternate_model_search = ['.heading-text','h1'];
window.kwipped_approve.simple_product_alternate_price_search = ['.entry-summary','.price'];

The plugin will look for each of the items provided in the array, in order, and take the content of the found object.

Variable Product

  1. It will look for product name inside of a tag containing the class .product_title. It will look for pricing information in the following tag hierarchy: .woocommerce-variation-price, then .amount.
  2. If the product name or price were not found, it will look for the missing information (only the missing information) in the the alternate tags provided programatically by you. The names of the variables needed are the following:


window.kwipped_approve.variable_product_alternate_model_search = ['.heading-text','h1'];
window.kwipped_approve.variable_product_alternate_price_search = ['.example','.price'];

Composite Product

The integration plugin has no default methodology to find composite product infomrmation. You must utilize the alternate tags provided programatically by you. The names of the variables needed are the following:



window.kwipped_approve.composite_product_alternate_model_search = ['.heading-text','h1'];
window.kwipped_approve.composite_product_alternate_price_search = ['.example','.price'];


Our code needs to know that the composite product was updated when the user makes choices. The following code should be dropped in the composite product page, and it will alert our plugin that something has changed when the user interacts with the page.

$( '.composite_data' ).on( 'wc-composite-initializing', function( event, composite ) {

Documentation for Woocommerce composite product API is available at Woocommerce site.


APPROVE Woocommerce plugin updates will be released periodically. You may update it by visiting the "Plugins" page in wordpress and following the provided instructions.